Tentang Kami

Roger Pete Jolie is a 23-year-old IT technician who enjoys meditation, going to the movies and watching sport. He is inspiring and entertaining, but can also be very lazy and a bit lazy.

He is a British Jedi who defines himself as straight. He started studying computing at college but never finished the course.

Physically, Roger is in good shape. He is short with dark chocolate skin, black hair and brown eyes. He has a birthmark on his neck.

He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. He was raised by his mother, his father having left when he was young.

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with a plumber called Kacey Davin Holmes, who was the same age as him. They broke up because Kacey felt that Roger was too lazy for the relationship to move forwards.

Roger's best friend is an IT technician called Richmond Percival. They are inseparable. He also hangs around with Wynter Glen and Kendrick Holland. They enjoy watching television together.